How to Record Data Weekly



I now have 1 main sheet, and then 4 different sheets where it moves over data to, 4 times throughout the month, using automation to move certain rows by month on the I.e. 7th etc. then I have a dashboard showing the different data of the 4 sheets, so you see 4 times throughout the month how the numbers changed.

Is there any way to record the data weekly?

so I'll have last week Friday, 2 weeks 3 weeks and 4 weeks ago Friday,

Thank you! 😀


  • Bassam Khalil
    Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @A Rose

    Hope you are fine, did you mean you want the date stamp for each row to be weekly?

    Or you want the data that move between your 4 sheets to that sequence weekly instead of monthly?

    Please add a copy of your sheet or a screenshot (after removing or replacing any sensitive information). This will make it easier for me to provide the appropriate answer to your question.

    or you can call me to discuss this in details:

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    PMP Certified

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  • Andrée Starå
    Andrée Starå ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @A Rose

    I hope you're well and safe!

    Yes, you can set up a Workflow to copy the rows weekly on a specific day instead.

    Would that work/help?

    I hope that helps!

    Be safe and have a fantastic week!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

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    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • A Rose
    A Rose ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Andrée Starå & @Bassam Khalil ,

    My issue is that if it copies every week from "Sheet A" to "Sheet B", then i won't know on "Sheet B" what is from this week and what is from 2 weeks ago,

    the way it's now is that it copies from sheet a to sheet b on the 1st, then it copies from sheet a to "Sheet C" on the 7th, etc. etc.

    But if it copies every week to a different sheet, how would i know what data is from 2 weeks ago?

    because it's copying every week not every second week..

    Thank you!

  • Bassam Khalil
    Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @A Rose

    You can add a system column "created date" it will register the date that column been copied to sheet then you can create a helper column with formula to analyze the created date of the row and define the week

    PMP Certified

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  • Andrée Starå
    Andrée Starå ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @A Rose

    Happy to help!

    You could also add a so-called helper column to the main sheet that registers which week/month it is in separate columns if that would help?


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

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