Importing Excel File


Every time I import an excel file into Smartsheet, I save it, and then when I go back to the sheet all of the information is gone. It is not saving anything from the import. Why is this happening?

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Alexandra Omobono

    Importing an Excel file will create an entirely new sheet with the data from Excel, it won't update a current sheet that you already have created in Smartsheet. (See: Import Files to Create New Sheets)

    Is it possible that when you "go back" to the sheet, you're opening a previous sheet you had created with the same name, versus the one that the Import created? I would suggest using the Search function to identify if you have multiple imports with the same name in your account, in case this is what's happening.




  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Alexandra Omobono

    Importing an Excel file will create an entirely new sheet with the data from Excel, it won't update a current sheet that you already have created in Smartsheet. (See: Import Files to Create New Sheets)

    Is it possible that when you "go back" to the sheet, you're opening a previous sheet you had created with the same name, versus the one that the Import created? I would suggest using the Search function to identify if you have multiple imports with the same name in your account, in case this is what's happening.

