Is there a setting to lock the document view to ROW?


Hi everyone,

I was hoping that I can choose to keep my document view to ROW. After auto-save it automatically changes the view to "Sheet" and I am scared I am going to miss that one time and start deleting documents that should not be deleted.

Any options somewhere that I missed in the preferences menu?


Best Answer

  • jodyh
    jodyh ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Terri-Lynn!

    I'm guessing you're asking about the view panel that opens when you select the Attachments icon from the feature panel? I actually have the same frustration- as near as I can tell, there isn't currently a way to set the default view from Sheet to Row.


  • jodyh
    jodyh ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Terri-Lynn!

    I'm guessing you're asking about the view panel that opens when you select the Attachments icon from the feature panel? I actually have the same frustration- as near as I can tell, there isn't currently a way to set the default view from Sheet to Row.