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Does Smartsheet support SUM COUNTIFS formulas?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Howdy Smartsheet Community,

I've written a =SUM(COUNTIFS) formula to count the number of specific text entries in one range that meet specific criteria. Based on the in-line formula help and online SUM COUNTIFS research I've done, it appears that my formula is correct but keeps returning #UNPARSEABLE. 

Has anyone successfully used SUM COUNTIFS formulas in Smartsheet, or is it possibly not supported? Hopefully there's just an error in my formula, which is most likely the case.

For reference my formula is as follows, in case anyone sees an immediate red flag.

=SUM(COUNTIFS(Status4:Status138,{"Complete","Not Applicable"}))

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!



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