Formulas within conditional formatting?


I believe this must be possible, right? I have two column 2 my on hand amount and column 4 my par. I want the row to highlight red if the on hand amount is less than the par. Tried to use @row within the conditional formatting but it seems only be highlighting when the on hand amount is less than 1 not less than the par column.

Best Answer

  • Jason Duryea
    Jason Duryea ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I don't believe this is possible without using a helper column to determine if the On Hand amount is less than PAR. This could be a Yes/No value, then use this column to set the conditional formatting.


  • Jason Duryea
    Jason Duryea ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I don't believe this is possible without using a helper column to determine if the On Hand amount is less than PAR. This could be a Yes/No value, then use this column to set the conditional formatting.

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