Sum ifs with multiple criteria, dates are driving me crazy!

Hi all,

I have the following formula: =SUMIFS([Waste 1 Minutes]:[Waste 3 Minutes], [Waste 1]:[Waste 3], "Travel time to secure patient care equipment")

This works and what i want to do next is add a criteria based on date. So far as I try to add the date criteria i run into unparsable.

I have a column for Week # and for Date. I'd like to be able to know the results for the previous week and then also be able to know the results for the previous day.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help, I've searched on the forums and tried to replicate solutions but just cant get it to work.

Best Answer

  • Devin Lee
    Devin Lee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey Brendan,

    Breakdown the formula into single columns. It's a bit longer but tends to work more often.

    =SUMIFS([Waste 1 Minutes]:[Waste 1 Minutes], [Waste 1]:[Waste 1], "Travel time to secure patient care equipment", Week:Week, 46) + SUMIFS([Waste 2 Minutes]:[Waste 2 Minutes], [Waste 2]:[Waste 2], "Travel time to secure patient care equipment", Week:Week, 46) + SUMIFS([Waste 3 Minutes]:[Waste 3 Minutes], [Waste 3]:[Waste 3], "Travel time to secure patient care equipment", Week:Week, 46)
