formulating dates excluding weekends


I have 3 columns with different dates. My goal is to enter 1 date, and have the other 2 dates formulated based off the 1st date. I created a formula to satisfy this need, but I am ending up with some dates falling on weekends, which I cannot have. Is there a way to correct this issue without enabling dependencies and predecessors?


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    What is your current formula? You may want to try (if you aren't already) a NETWORKDAY or a NETWORKDAYS function.

  • Maz Uddin
    Maz Uddin ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Paul Newcome

    Hi Paul

    i want to generate a list of dates excluding

    do you know how i can do this please?

  • Brent Wilson
    Brent Wilson ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/10/22

    @Top Tier Construction

    @Maz Uddin

    Here is a bit of a Frankenstein workaround

    Let's start with a basic Equation such as

    =[Start Date]@row + [Days Duration]@row

    • Now let's introduce the weekday function which will tell me if it is a Sunday (1) or a Saturday (7).

    • Lets then create a nested if so if it is a Sunday then we add one more day pushing it to the Monday and if it is a Saturday then we add two more days pushing it to the Monday

    =IF( WEEKDAY([Start Date]@row + [Days Duration]@row)=1, [Start Date]@row + [Days Duration]@row+1, IF( WEEKDAY([Start Date]@row + [Days Duration]@row)=7,  [Start Date]@row + [Days Duration]@row+2,  [Start Date]@row + [Days Duration]@row))

    Which would result in this

    Let me know if that helps

    Brent C. Wilson, P.Eng, PMP, Prince2

    Facilityy Professional Services Inc.

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