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App notifications


Maybe I'm missing it, but is there a notification that can be sent through the app when web form is submitted?


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    If the only way you are adding rows to the sheet is via the Form, then in Alerts | Notifications select "When a row is added, updated, or deleted" and that will get you what you want.


    If you are adding rows via that Form and other methods too, then I add a column for [Submitted]. This can a check box or a drop down list depending on your design.

    In the Form, add that column, hidden, with a default value.

    Then build your Notification to filter for that change. You can use either the Notification type mentioned above or the "When there are changes in specific columns" type.

    For example, I have a [Submitted] column that has a drop down list. One of the items in the list is "External Feedback". I then modify the form to set that value by default and I give the link to the Form to my customers. I build a second, similar Form and set the value to "Internal Feedback" and give that Form's link to my team.

    I hope this helps

    Here's a video on Alerts




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