Formulas and Functions

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RAID Metrics

edited 08/10/22 in Formulas and Functions

Hello! I am hoping to get a little guidance. I am a little rusty on formulas and I have been trying to determine the count of "Open" items on our RAID log. We have Risk, Action, Issue and Decision that is a drop down option under our "RAID Type." Our "Status" column has a drop down option of Open, Closed and Canceled. Our last column has the "Chain" i.e. area, Finance, IT etc. So essentially, I am pulling data from 3 total columns to determine a count total i.e Finance-> 2-> open-> risks. I have tried to use COUNTIFS, IF/THEN, and HAS with no success. Any help would be much appreciated.

the formula below will show I have 4 risks.... I need it to also factor in "open" to show that I only have 2 total Risks open for Finance.

=COUNTIFS({RAID}, "Risk", {Value Chain}, "Finance")

Best Answer

  • Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hello! It looks like you are one step away from the formula you need. In a COUNTIFS formula you can continue adding additional criteria. If you have not done so already, create an additional cross sheet reference pointed to the Status column on the RAID sheet and call the reference "Status" for example.

    =COUNTIFS({RAID}, "Risk", {Value Chain}, "Finance", {Status}, "Open")

    This formula should give you the result you need as long as the "Status" cross sheet reference is pointed to the correct column.


  • Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hello! It looks like you are one step away from the formula you need. In a COUNTIFS formula you can continue adding additional criteria. If you have not done so already, create an additional cross sheet reference pointed to the Status column on the RAID sheet and call the reference "Status" for example.

    =COUNTIFS({RAID}, "Risk", {Value Chain}, "Finance", {Status}, "Open")

    This formula should give you the result you need as long as the "Status" cross sheet reference is pointed to the correct column.

  • ✭✭

    Ian, thank you so much! That was exactly what I needed. I appreciate it very much sir.

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