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Multi-Layer Gantt Chart

Mateusz Z
Mateusz Z
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I'd like to create a Gantt chart which allows me to layer an original date range and an actual date range. This way, I would be able to show how a schedule has changed against an original base line.

Ideally, i'd like to be able to see the original date as one color, and the actual date as a slightly different color, layered on top of each other in one row.

Is this possible? If yes, how do i accomplish this? if not, does anyone have any idea of how to do this differently with similar results?

Thank you,



  • Shaine Greenwood


    It sounds like you're looking for something similar to baseline functionality, which we don't have in Smartsheet. Currently, only 2 date columns (start and finish dates) can be displayed in the Gantt at one time. There's a blog to mimic baseline in Smartsheet: https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/quick-guide-mimicking-baseline-functionality-smartsheet

    NOTE: The workaround in the blog won't display the baseline and actual dates in the Gantt chart.

  • Euroclass

    Is it intended that one day you will be able to display two lines (predicted v actual) on a Gantt Chart in Smartsheet? Would be hugely beneficial. 

  • Si Spence
    Si Spence ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Shaine,  can you offer any updates on when there will be a native baseline function please?  I don't link workarounds,  just confuses the heck out of people and as as I'm still in onboarding mode I don't want to be highlight all the shortcomings of SS to colleagues who are already reticent about getting involved.  I need out of the box solutions that drive continuity and standard practice in the SS application, as without this I'll end up with dozens of workarounds that may well be doing the same job...plus lot's of colleagues looking at me puzzled!

    Update would be great please?

    Thanks  Si. 

  • Si Spence
    Si Spence ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Shaine,  can you offer any updates on when there will be a native baseline function please?  I don't like workarounds,  as they just confuses the heck out of people and as as I'm still in onboarding mode I don't want to highlight all the shortcomings of SS to colleagues who are already reticent about getting involved.  I need out of the box solutions that drive continuity and standard practice in the SS application, as without this I'll end up with dozens of workarounds that may well be doing the same job...plus lot's of colleagues looking at me puzzled!

    Update would be great please?

    Thanks  Si. 

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