Formulas and Functions

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Cross sheet reference formula drag to other cells

Hey guys. I have 48 cross-reference links that I need to add to the columns. I would like to drag the formula so that I won't need to change the reference # manually for each of the columns. My formula looks like this

=IFERROR(INDEX({ProductionHopper Range 2}, MATCH($[Job #]$@row, {ProductionHopper Range 1}, 0)), "")

the sheet reference ProductionHopper Range 2 should change in each column by dragging to ProductionHopper Range 3, ProductionHopper Range 4, etc. Is it possible?



  • Community Champion

    @Dovy No dice. No way to update that cell reference that way. I've done something similar in excel before where I built the formulas there and copied them over as text into SS, but it was still clunky and I had to edit each cell anyway.

    Ryan Sides

    Smartsheet Tips and Tricks for Beginners and Advanced on LinkedIn and YouTube

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  • ✭✭

    och, thats what I though.. Thanks for your reply.

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