Is there a way to combine these two formulas? IF and NETDAYS, use of TODAY function


I would like to return a value based on the total number of Medicare Days used prior to admission, plus the total days elapsed since admission to calculate day 100, or benefit exhaust date.

I've worked out the individual pieces but I'm having trouble combining the two.

  • In the Days Remaining Column, I have this: =100 - NETDAYS([Admit Readmit or Pickup Date]@row, TODAY()) - [Prior MCA Days Used]@row
  • (Total benefit allowed is 100 days)
  • In the Day 100 Benefit Exhaust column I have this: =TODAY(+[Days Remaining]@row)
  • In the Payer Type Column I have this: =IF([Primary Payer]@row = "Medicare A", "Yes", "No")

I am looking to accomplish the following:

  1. Combine the Days Remaining formula with the Payer Type formula so that a value is only displayed in the Days Remaining Column if the Primary Payer field is "Medicare A". Otherwise it should remain blank.
  2. Combine the Day 100 Benefits Exhaust formula with the Payer Type formula so that a date value is only returned if the Primary Payer field is "Medicare A". Otherwise it should remain blank.

Thank you

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Paula Meunier

    If I understand your request correctly, well done, you've already completed the heavy lifting.

    We could work directly off the "Medicare A" response like this

    =IF([Primary Payer]@row = "Medicare A", 100 - NETDAYS([Admit Readmit or Pickup Date]@row, TODAY()) - [Prior MCA Days Used]@row)

    If the statement is false, nothing will happen, will means the cell would automatically remain blank. You would do the same for your Benefit Exhaust formula.

    Or, since you already have a Yes/No to the Medicare question, we could also use that response.

    =IF([Payer Type]@row="Yes", 100 - NETDAYS([Admit Readmit or Pickup Date]@row, TODAY()) - [Prior MCA Days Used]@row)

    =IF([Payer Type]@row = "Yes", TODAY()+[Days Remaining]@row)

    Will these work for you?



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Paula Meunier

    If I understand your request correctly, well done, you've already completed the heavy lifting.

    We could work directly off the "Medicare A" response like this

    =IF([Primary Payer]@row = "Medicare A", 100 - NETDAYS([Admit Readmit or Pickup Date]@row, TODAY()) - [Prior MCA Days Used]@row)

    If the statement is false, nothing will happen, will means the cell would automatically remain blank. You would do the same for your Benefit Exhaust formula.

    Or, since you already have a Yes/No to the Medicare question, we could also use that response.

    =IF([Payer Type]@row="Yes", 100 - NETDAYS([Admit Readmit or Pickup Date]@row, TODAY()) - [Prior MCA Days Used]@row)

    =IF([Payer Type]@row = "Yes", TODAY()+[Days Remaining]@row)

    Will these work for you?


  • Paula Meunier
    Paula Meunier ✭✭✭✭

    It worked, thank you so much Kelly!!

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