Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Index Collect including Cross Sheet Date Comparison - Formula Help

I have two sheets. On the current month's data (#2 below), I am trying to pull in previous treatments from the Historical Patient Treatments (#1 below)

  1. Historical Patient Treatments
    1. Treatment - Name of Treatment - {Treatment}
    2. Acct - Customer Account {Acct}
    3. MRN - Patient Medical Record Number {MRN}
    4. Newest - A checkbox indicating that this row contains the MAX Treatment-Date for the patient. {Newest}
    5. Treatment Date {Treatment-Date}
  2. Current Month Patient Treatments
    1. Account
    2. MRN
    3. TreatDate

The formula that I am trying to build should provide me (from Historical Patient Treatments

  • {Treatment}
  • matching {Acct} = Account@row
  • matching {MRN} = MRN@row
  • {Newest} is checked (1)
  • {Treatment-Date} is +/- 14 days of the TreatDate@row

I have tried 25 different versions of this formula and keep getting UNPARSEABLE

Thanks in advance


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