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Feature Suggestions

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I would like to make two small suggestions. When you are using "days" it would be helpful if it specified whether they are business days or calendar days. For example, when you are using days in the duration field of a gant chart they are business days. When you are using them to set a reminder they are calendar days. It can just get confusing and I have to test it both ways to make sure I have it correctly.


The second thing is permissions to sheets within a workspace. I know there is probably a good reason why sharing is based on the entire workspace but it would be really helpful to be able to set permissions on each individual sheet within a workspace. I have workspaces for projects with customers and I need to have two separate workspaces for each project. One for internal documents and one for customer viewable ones. It's cumbersome.


  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 03/04/16

    Hi JBogert! Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll make sure to pass them along to the product team. 


    When you are working in Smartsheet its typically safe to assume whenever you are dealing with a function related to dependencies (such as duration, lag days, etc), you are using working days. Functions not related to dependencies will use calendar days (reminders, conditional formatting, reporting, etc).


    We are looking to change the way workspaces handle sharing permissions. In a recent post, Mark (Smartsheet CEO) said the following: “On a related note, in the coming months we will start development on enabling people to assign different levels of permissions to items in a workspace -- as opposed to all items sharing the identical sharing rights.”

  • JBogert

    Thank you very much. This is great news.

  • Marc Hauge
    Marc Hauge ✭✭✭✭✭

    I would like to be able to select a row and then show the row as an individual record that I can print.  Right now to do this, I need to export to Excel then transpose column headers into Rows - not very efficient.

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Marc - you can print a single row in Smartsheet by clicking on the row number (which will highlight the row), click the Print button on your toolbar and choose Selected Rows under Selection. 

  • Marc Hauge
    Marc Hauge ✭✭✭✭✭



    Thanks, but that isn't what I'm after.  Some of our sheets have lots of columns.  When I print a record, I would want the column headers to be transposed to rows so it would look similar to a web form.  I haven't found a way to do that.


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Marc - It sounds like you would like to print a row in 'form view', correct? This is not something that is possible at the moment but our product team is tracking feedback for this request and I will add your vote for it!

  • Oliver

    Add mine as well please Travis! 

  • Adam Shipway
    edited 07/21/15

    Yes. I vote for Printing a Form View, at the point of lodging the form.


    We want to populate a Repair and Service Register using a web form, but we still need a paper "traveller" to stay with the Job, for instant job and status identification.


    My current options are find and attach a Word Form to the web form (some double entry) OR use GoogleDocs (extra expense, and seems excessively procedural).


    Some minor formatting ability would help make the easy to read and use. We currently have about up to 30 checkboxes and 15 text/number fields to complete at initialisation.


    At completion, there are a few text/date fields to complete. It would be really cool if the printed sheet had a Barcode to scan and take the user straight to the sheet/row to be updated!


  • Gail Schaar
    edited 10/19/15


    I'd love to be able to permission by sheet within a Workspace.  Please let me know when this becomes available.  


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