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New Notifications to non Smartsheet users

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

​HI Guys,

i have just tested this amazing new future of allowing a non

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smart sheet user to get notifications 

i was trying to set it up for clients To receive a notification when i updated a new payment into their Receive payment sheet 

It works amazingly just 1 problem the attachment of the row which in my case is the picture of the check Received from the customer does not come into the email and by the delivery settings its set to send attachments any one can help me what i am doing wrong?



  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 01/26/18

    EDIT: After further testing by one of my colleagues, it appears that links to download attachments will ONLY be available if the notification rule is specifically set up to be triggered off of the attachments column. 

    Otherwise, links to attachments WON'T appear in the notification.

This discussion has been closed.