Today, when adding the reports widget to the dashboard upon clicking for the source report user is presented with the dialog with all the reports across the Workspaces and this list is expanded by default making it difficult to scroll and look up (yes there is search but when you have reports with same name across folders and workspaces it is not very helpful).
Alternatively, user can be presented with the reports in the current workspace to start with.
When adding new content e.g. adding new sheets to report or adding new shortcut (shortcut widget of dashboard) when I choose Smartsheet Item the list opens as expanded... as we have thousands of items in my company scrolling through this list is just impossible and time consuming. When I create new Smartsheet items I always give them prefixes in name so it's easier to find them with the search option... but I have already so many GPT... items crated it also takes me while to find them - can you optimise it? Maybe it shall start always collapsed so it will be faster for me to choose the proper worskpace and scroll faster...
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Tag my name: @kowal if you want me to respond :)
When Smartsheet presents the list of items populated in the environment in order to select one all the workspaces and folders are expanded by default. For example, when adding a report to a dashboard and I go to select the report I have to either collapse all the workspaces manually until I get to the one I want or scroll through hundreds of lines to get to what I'm looking for. It seems like it would save a lot of time if all the workspaces and folders were collapsed by default and I could more quickly navigate directly to the area I am looking for.
I know you can "filter" the list, but there are sometimes duplicate names and I typically want to eliminate any possibility of selecting the incorrect item.
Thank you,
Totally agree with the comments above. I frequently have that issue when I want to copy or Move rows to another sheet and that dialog opens where all workspaces are expaned and because of duplicate names I cannot use then filter. If everything was collapsed from the beginning it would be so much easier to navigate to the right sheet!
Agree with the above. It's really time consuming navigating to the source data each time I need to add a widget or update the data in a widget.
Would be really great to nominate a default workspace or folder when creating a dashboard, and it automatically goes to that space when navigating to source data, but with the ability to navigate to a difference workspace or folder for other data.