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Notifications to specific employees

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I have 10 employees.


I have a month-end assignment sheet where employees are assigned to tasks.


I would like to send out an automatic notification to the assigned employee when the task has been approved by management.


Alerts - Reminders have the feature of sending the reminder to the actual assigned person, not everyone.


How can I do this for Notifications, I don't want to send the notification to the entire team.  I also don't want to set up 10 different notifications, which would have to be driven by 10 different columns that would be triggered.


I also don't want to set up a sheet for each employee as tasks are assigned differently each month.





  • Tim Meeks
    Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I would like to see this functionality also. I would like it to be that if a field changes to Status X, then send a Notification to Person A.


    In the product roadmap, (http://www.smartsheet.com/product-roadmap), they've got an enhancement called "Conditional Notifications - Create advanced notification rules based on criteria such as Tasks Assigned to Me or Status is At Risk"

    Not sure if this would cover what you are asking, but maybe someone at SS can elaborate.


    **SIDE NOTE.. it would be GREAT to have spell check in the community boards.Wink**


  • Eric Browne

    We are working on enhanced, conditional notifications.  It will enable your notification rules to be more specific:  for example, you'll be able to send only to the assigned to person and/or only if Status is changed to "At Risk" (or Manager Approved is checked). 

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Eric Browne

    Smartsheet, Product Management

  • Brett Evans
    Brett Evans ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Tim and Ian,


    You can accomplish your goal here.  Look at my final answer in this thread. You would have to modify the client contact variable to reflect your own and perhaps some others, but you should be able to get there.






  • Patrick Lawler
    edited 10/27/15

    Tim and Ian,


    This exact problem can be solved using Azuqua, an integration partner of Smartsheet. I work for Azuqua and the conditional notification scenario you referred to is one of the many scenarios we enable inside of Smartsheet.


    Using Azuqua you can set up a monitor for a change either to a row, column, discussion or new row added to a sheet and then send a notification to a person assigned to that row. The notification can also be based on matching a specific condition of a cell inside that row as well. In the examples mentioned you could set the monitor to send a notification based on a particular status being assigned to a row and then send a notification to the individual assigned to that row and not everyone.


    If you want to learn more please visit our app listing at Smartsheet here:



    Please feel free to follow up with any questions.


  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 09/16/16

    Hi All,


    I realize that this is an older discussion, but as mentioned above—we're actively working on this feature. If you have ten minutes to spare, we'd love to get your participation in a usability study we're running.


    For more information, see this annoncement:



  • Ian
    edited 09/16/16

    I am happy to assist in testing, please email me.

  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 09/16/16

    Hi Ian,


    Please follow the link to the announcement from my previous comment, which includes a URL to use so that you can test the functionality.



This discussion has been closed.