Add Ons and Integrations

Add Ons and Integrations

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Data Shuttle not updating blank values from source file?

edited 10/18/23 in Add Ons and Integrations

Anyone else having this issue?

All the Data Shuttles that I set up, are not anymore been bringing data to Smartsheet from cells that have changed to being blank in my Source Location.

This was discovered yesterday, 10/17, when I received many reports from colleagues that work on different sheets that the data shuttle integration was updating only some values but not all. After extensive research - I discovered that the values in source file that were not blank were being updated in Smartsheet but not the values that changed to being blank in the source file were not getting updated in Smartsheet.

I've been using Data Shuttle for a long time to merge and update data from Source files of Smartsheet Excel Attachments and for Source being files in Box and has been working fine to update all values from source whether blank or not. I've tested this by creating new workflows and have had the same result - blank values from Source file are not being updated in Smartsheet.

Below is a test workflow where blank values from Source file are not being updated while non blank values were updated. I reached to Support but I feel that the community should know as I spent a lot of time researching this and searching the community to see if anyone else was having this issue


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