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The save duration is too long: 1 minute when we are not processing, when we are processing we have to keep pressing save. Is it possible to save automatically when entered? Or shorten the duration to 5-10 seconds. Even Gsheet can save automatically :/

24 votes

Available Now! · Last Updated

Great news! Auto-Save happening as you work in the sheet will be available as we roll out the new views. You can test this out today in timeline, board, and table views!


  • Agreed. When users are used to Google and Microsoft products that autosave changes instantly, the delay in Smartsheet is a source of confusion and frustration. It is especially problematic when more than one user is viewing or editing the same item.

  • Overachievers Alumni

    I totally agree as well. I even had a situation in my previous company that the CTO during Smartsheet presentation was more interested in lack of Autosave (as in Google) than what Smartsheet can do. So please implement it.

    Tomasz Kowalski

    The Real Smartsheet Enthusiast

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    Tag my name: @kowal if you want me to respond :)

  • ✭✭

    Please add this update. Very much needed.

    Thank you

  • This is a critical function needed yesterday. It would have tremendous positive impact on ALL users. There is no user would would not want/benefit from this functionality being added immediately.

  • Super frustrating to have unsaved work lost. I hadn't lost unsaved work since perhaps 1997, until Smartsheet f'd me when my computer crashed. Autosave + version history = problem solved.

  • I had the same issue. I worked for 30 minutes without clicking the Save button and when my computer rebooted, I LOST all of that work. Google Sheets has had that feature for over a decade and Microsoft has implemented with the O365 online. Please, please, please implement the Auto-Save feature. I'm not sure why we have to ask for this…it should be standard.

  • Hi.

    Request: Make autosave the default for both "after 1 minute" and "when I leave a sheet" checkboxes. We as a company have lost a lot of work and actually miscommunicated timelines due to these not being checked.

    Please consider. I'm not sure I can name another online editor that doesn't autosave by default.


  • Most online editors now save on every user-edit so no work can be lost.

    Feature request: remove the options to autosave after X minutes and autosave after leaving and add save on every edit in Smartsheets.

  • Community Champion
    edited 11/15/24

    @bens I could see the value of having a feature to save on every edit in certain cases, but once a sheet is saved, you can no longer use the "Undo" button. As someone who builds solutions daily, I frequently test out certain things to see exactly how they will impact other formulas, etc.. Not having the ability to just click an "undo" button would be extremely hindering in my case. How about instead of "default and always on" it is set as "optional".

    I don't even use the feature that saves after a certain amount of time inactive because I will frequently unhide columns to check on things. Instead of trying to figure out which columns need hidden or readjusting column width or any other number of little things that help with visibility of data and having to redo everything, I just leave things how I need them and unsaved so I can simply hit the "undo" button. This is especially useful if I need to investigate some hidden columns in a sheet that is in production use. That way other users aren't seeing all of the clutter that I need to look at because the sheet was saved with everything open.

  • edited 11/15/24

    Hi @Paul Newcome thanks for your response and thoughts about Undo.

    To me it seems it is a limitation that undo only works up to the last save. Therefore, I argue the undo/save limitation is not a good reason for not implementing auto save on every edit.

    Why not do like google docs? 1. make edit 2. (trigger auto save) 3. undo. 4. repeat…? I can edit and undo all I want in google docs. I can also do as you mention, test out formulas in Google sheets etc and I always know my edits are both saved and undo-able. Thanks again for your thoughts.

  • Community Champion
    edited 11/15/24

    @bens I agree that the Undo button could use better functionality, but based on its current functionality, that would be my hesitation for implementing the auto-save. If they updated the Undo button to be able to go back further even if the sheet was saved, I wouldn't have any issues with it.

  • I would like autosave to be actually live, not refreshed after 1 minute, creating a living document.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    i hear @Paul Newcome 's point about the undo button, but google sheets and excel both auto-save and you can use the ctrl+Z/undo button with no issue. this is a real need. i'm onboarding folks into our environment at a rapid speed and we've run into some hiccups without saving.

    worth noting, i see this draft auto-saving like every ten seconds as i type! c'mon, fam. hook us up.

  • edited 02/27/25

    This is basic functionality found in Google Sheets and Docs since at least 2010. MS OneNote does this too.

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