Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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I'm trying the CONTAINS and HAS formula and neither seem to work

I'm trying to count the number of times a word appears within a column range on another sheet; however, the cells I'm referencing have a dropdown so there may be more than 1 value per cell. I may be entering the formula wrong or not entering the right formula.

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Try to use this ( Below ), I think you need to use the COUNTIF/ COUNTIFS to start things off, then use CONTAINS as follows:

    =COUNTIFS({Live Compliance Training Tracker Master Data Topic}, CONTAINS("Policy Governance", @cell))

    Ricky T

    Gov Contractor for USSF


  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Try to use this ( Below ), I think you need to use the COUNTIF/ COUNTIFS to start things off, then use CONTAINS as follows:

    =COUNTIFS({Live Compliance Training Tracker Master Data Topic}, CONTAINS("Policy Governance", @cell))

    Ricky T

    Gov Contractor for USSF

  • That worked! Thank you so much. I've been trying to get it right for 3 days. I really appreciate it.

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