Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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edited 08/25/22 in Formulas and Functions

This formula is almost perfectly pulling downtime by examiner and production date:

=IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT({downtime - downtime}, {downtime - production date}, [Production Date]@row, {downtime - examiner}, Examiner@row), 1), 0)

There are a few records that are not in error, but the result is a blank, however, I need those blanks recorded as a zero. I have tried a number of ways to wrap this formula in an IF/ISBLANK with no success. I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but what is the trick to combining IF/ISBLANK/IFERROR?

At this point, I've added the above in a helper column. The downtime column with the IF/ISBLANK logic points to the helper, but I'd like to eliminate the helper column, if possible.

I have another sheet where I'm doing something similar and I need to note blank or error, so understanding this will help me with a few projects. Thanks in advance!


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