Create URL to single row in smartsheet viewable by non-users


I am awarding student micro credentials, and one requirement is that for each badge award I include a URL to the student's assignment submission (attached to a row in smartsheet) and a few other pieces of information. I have all this information stored in a single sheet, but I only want the link I create to go to each individual row (for privacy and FERPA purposes). Is it possible to create a link to a single row that anyone with the URL can view? (potential employers, badge awarding auditors, etc...)? I don't want it only visible by people shared to the sheet. Thanks!


  • SteyJ
    SteyJ Community Champion
    edited 03/08/24

    You can create an automation -> alert someone. Make sure the action for alert someone is set "Send to Contact in Cell". They will need to have their email address in a contact column. Then select the columns you would like them to see.

    I don't think there is a way to limit a group of people to a row with a link. Could be wrong though.


    Jacob Stey

  • lgabel
    lgabel ✭✭✭

    Thank you for your response! The problem is the people who will need to view rows aren't contacts. It could be anyone- like a potential employer who wants to see evidence of a student completing a badge. In order to award student a badge at this level, I have to include "evidence" in the form of a link that anyone can use to see only that students work, score and reviewer info. Anyone I share a row with is prompted to log in. I'm not sure Smartsheet can even do this. It's like I need to publish each row individually...

  • SteyJ
    SteyJ Community Champion

    I can think of one kind of "HACKY" way of doing this. It's by URL querying a form with @row functions.

    So essentially, somebody clicks on a URL and it opens up a form with all the information from each column for a specific row. The only issue is, they will have a submit button at the bottom.

    Is this something that you might want to consider?


    Jacob Stey