Generate Document Mapping Questions



I have set up an automatic workflow to generate a document to a fillable PDF. The first page fits within the appropriate cells. However, the second page makes the font either too big or it flows off the page. Is anyone else experiencing this issue or know how to resolve? Thank you!

Best Answer

  • Gillian C
    Gillian C ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @joshtsadler_

    I had the same issue a while ago but found it was actually in my editable pdf rather than smartsheet. If you go back to your editable pdf and check your textbox properties, you'll find that the text boxes will probably have the font size set to 'auto', meaning when you have less words it makes the font bigger to fit the text box you have.

    In whichever pdf editor you are using go to the properties menu for the text box set the text size to a number that suits rather than auto, and also select the multi line option.

    In the editor I have if you right click in the text box editable field and then select properties, then 'Appearance' to set your font size, and 'Options' to select the multi-line option (this wraps the text within your text box).

    Hope this helps.


  • Gillian C
    Gillian C ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @joshtsadler_

    I had the same issue a while ago but found it was actually in my editable pdf rather than smartsheet. If you go back to your editable pdf and check your textbox properties, you'll find that the text boxes will probably have the font size set to 'auto', meaning when you have less words it makes the font bigger to fit the text box you have.

    In whichever pdf editor you are using go to the properties menu for the text box set the text size to a number that suits rather than auto, and also select the multi line option.

    In the editor I have if you right click in the text box editable field and then select properties, then 'Appearance' to set your font size, and 'Options' to select the multi-line option (this wraps the text within your text box).

    Hope this helps.

  • joshtsadler_

    Hi @Gillian C

    This was very helpful and fixed my problem. Thank you so much for your help!