Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Formula Question for IF(AND(NOT(ISBLANK(

I have a sheet that contains book information and want to index/match date from another Smartsheet as long as the date in the column called Most Recent Available Date@row is greater than today AND InventoryID@row is not blank.

If either of these is not the case, then I just want an empty cell. Here is the formula I entered, but its UNPARSABLE and I can't see what I've missed.

=IF(AND([Most Recent Available Date]@row>TODAY(), NOT(ISBLANK([Inventory ID]@row))), (INDEX({GUIDEP0STS-- Product Manufacturing Sched WHSE DT}), MATCH([Inventory ID]@row, {GUIDEP0STS-- Product Manufacturing Sched ITEM CODE}, 0)), " ")

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Jwindels I think there are some extra parenthesis, see if this one works: =IF(AND([Most Recent Available Date]@row>TODAY(), NOT(ISBLANK([Inventory ID]@row))), INDEX({GUIDEP0STS-- Product Manufacturing Sched WHSE DT}, MATCH([Inventory ID]@row, {GUIDEP0STS-- Product Manufacturing Sched ITEM CODE}, 0), " ")

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