Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Count Multi-Select Options

Hi Community,

I have a multi-select column where I need to count the number of values selected (just the total, not individually). Is there a formula to help with this?

Below is a screenshot of my cell (Rollover) and the outcome I'm looking for (Months Rollover).

Thank you as always!
~Jaime 😀

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    edited 07/09/24 Answer ✓

    Hello @Jaime Ciabattoni

    Would this work for you - =COUNTM([Multi Select Drop Down]@row)

    The below is from LINK

    COUNTM Function:-

    Counts the number of elements in a multicontact or multiselect dropdown column cell or cell range. When you use this function, it returns the total number of elements it finds.


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