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Suggestion: The Metric Widget should count items in a column


For example, if I have a dropdown of all 50 states, I should be able to set up a widget to count the number of times Alaska was selected, simply by selecting that column and one of the selectable options. If 20 people have selected Alaska, it would read 20. When a 21st person selects Alaska, then that widget would read 21.

If this is accomplishable now, I don't know how it's done, and would appreciate some assistance.


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 10/17/17

    Hi Tyler. I suggest adding a summary row to your data. And then use the following formula for gathering the number you want which you can then use as the range for your metric widget. 

    =countif([column name]:[column name], ="Alaska") 

    Just replace [column name] with the name of your column. Use brackets if your column name has spaces in it or ends with a number. 

    Then when you create the widget: use the cell that contains that formula as your reference. You need to gather the metric or data that you want to use in the sight first, then you can point to it. 


    The countif formula I created above will give you the number of count in a column that Alaska appears. If users add to the form later, it will continue to count the entire range.

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