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Resource allocation by project, not by person

Ines Cortes
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts



i like the resource allocation views but in addition to knowing what people are working on, I'd like to see what we are using our resources on by project. so rather than seeing that Sue is allocated 50% to project A and 50% to project B, I'd like to see a list of all of our projects and how many of our resources we are spending on each project.


e.g. Project A has 40% of all resources allocated to it for a given day/ period, while project B has 60% of all resources allocated.


I have not been able to figure out a way to see that in Smartsheet. Any ideas from anyone?






  • SashaR

    Smartsheet handles RM on a per user per day basis but you can filter on projects and see who is allocated. To do this, go to your Home tab, right click on Resource Views and select Create New View. Here, you can create a view based on user, project, or group. 

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