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Adding Images in Form Body and Descriptions



  • vdemattei
    vdemattei ✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/29/23

    Thanks, Tim. I'm glad to see there are some work arounds in a pinch. Unfortunately, none of them seem "clean" enough to be client facing.

  • Neil Watson
    Neil Watson Community Champion

    @vdemattei many of us feel your pain! The dashboard with image and embedded form is the best workaround if you want to stay in Smartsheet and not have an extra integration with an external system.

    Forever hopeful that Smartsheet will introduce this much requested functionality.

  • vdemattei
    vdemattei ✭✭✭✭

    @Neil Watson That may be the current best workaround, but that won't work for external users. The applicants that fill out our forms are getting to it from a link, not via the dashboard as they are not Smarsheet users.

    Also, thank you to whomever it was that moved my separate enhancement request to this one. I didn't find this one when I initially searched and so I started my own. I'm glad to see there are many other people that also want this feature to be added.

    Now, can we get an update as to WHEN this is going to happen? The original request was submitted over a year ago!

  • Neil Watson
    Neil Watson Community Champion

    @vdemattei have you considered publishing the dashboard and sharing that link to external users?

    In terms of feedback, been pretty much radio silence from Smartsheet themselves so not sure where this fits into their roadmap (if at all).

  • vdemattei
    vdemattei ✭✭✭✭

    @Neil Watson I have not... I only want an image for a single particular question. Or I may want different images for different questions. I believe the dashboard solution provides only 1 image for the entire form, so that wouldn't necessarily work for my purposes.

    Radio silence is very frustrating. There are so many features that I am waiting on Smartsheet to incorporate to improve the product. It is also frustrating to have to tell my clients "well, we COULD do this MAYBE someday in the future, but I have no idea if and when it will ever happen"

  • rlmrx93
    rlmrx93 ✭✭

    Ability to display pictures in form body

  • Bek T
    Bek T ✭✭✭

    Really hope there's some traction on this, this would be a very useful feature! I'm currently changing our Health and Safety reporting forms to a SmartSheet form, and need to include an image where people select where their injury is (if a personal injury) - having that image separate and to then attach isn't ideal and (to me) defeats the purpose of building a 'one use' form for one task. Any updates on this please?

  • Please consider adding image fields to forms. Not having this function severely limits the functionality of smartsheet forms.

  • Carroll Wall
    Carroll Wall ✭✭✭✭✭

    I would like to, at the very least, be able to add a picture in the form description field, such as a diagram or matrix for respondents to refer to when answering questions.

  • As I develop an application for a program that implements climate-smart practices on farms, I want to be able to add photo examples to the questions I am asking in a survey. When a farmer is filling out the application and selecting which practices they are interested in, we want them to be able to make the most informed decision on what they are requesting to fund on their farm. This requires photo examples of successful practices.

  • RobertHapp
    RobertHapp ✭✭✭

    It would be very helpful to have pictures to attach pictures for reference in the form, any update on this?

  • SoS | Dan Palenchar
    SoS | Dan Palenchar Community Champion

    Hello everyone,

    You can use emojis anywhere in Smartsheet you could use text. This might help in certain situations such as selecting from Dog, Cat, Horse, Cow.

    • Dog 🐶
    • Cat 😺
    • Horse 🐎
    • Cow 🐄

    Of course this won't cover all use cases but it might bridge the gap some of the time!

    School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

    If my answer helped please accept and react w/💡Insightful, ⬆️ Vote Up, ❤️Awesome!

  • Having the ability to include images within forms would greatly enhance clarity by complementing verbal prompts, thereby effectively reaching both reading and visually-oriented individuals.

  • Ban
    Ban ✭✭✭


    We are using Smartsheet forms for folks to RSVP for a company party and would like to fluff it up by adding exciting photos to the form. However, there doesn't look like a way to do that.

    Please add this feature!



  • This feature is very much needed in order to prevent having to use a different system to collate the information needed because images are needed. Please please please make this a priority! :)