Add Ons and Integrations

Add Ons and Integrations

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Connecting Smartsheet tasks to Microsoft Planner

edited 08/20/24 in Add Ons and Integrations

I'm looking for help in the best way to connect a PMO Portfolio of Projects in Smartsheets to Microsoft Planner. I want to be able to enable all 'Assigned' rows in each and every project plan to automate into 1 Microsoft Planner carrying over the Project Name, Task Description and Due date. I also want to do the reverse. When a task is marked completed in Planner, I want it to update in Smartsheet.

I've connected Smartsheets with Microsoft Planner using Power Automate but the latest instructions I've found in the community recommendations online aren't detailed enough on how in Smartsheets you can best roll-up the tasks and but then also automate the update back from Microsoft Planner when marked complete.

Anyone have instructions or a resource that can help?


  • To sync Smartsheet tasks with Microsoft Planner, use Power Automate. Set up a flow to create Planner tasks when rows in Smartsheet are assigned. Use a Smartsheet Report to gather tasks from all projects. Then, create another flow to mark tasks as complete in Smartsheet when they’re completed in Planner. Check Power Automate’s docs or Smartsheet forums for detailed steps.

  • I'm also interested in a detailed answer to @MichelleW.'s question. THe Smartsheet answer above is not very helpful.

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