Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Circular Reference

I am working on a RAID log and want the "Next Action Owner" column to be filled in with the name in the "Created by" column if people do not add a name in the "Next Action Owner" column. Is there a way to edit the formula that I currently have in the "Next Action Owner" column to have this done without receiving a circular reference error? The current formula is =IF(ISBLANK([Next Action Owner]@row), [Created By]@row, [Next Action Owner]@row)

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Your best bet in this case would be to create a column, there might be a way but its probably more complicated. Just create another column called "Next Action Owner (Formula)" or something then use your same formula to populate it. Adds a bit of extra data to your sheet but it will resolve your problem quickly and easily without having to update any forms.

    =IF([Next Action Owner]@row = "", [Created By]@row, [Next Action Owner]@row)


  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Your best bet in this case would be to create a column, there might be a way but its probably more complicated. Just create another column called "Next Action Owner (Formula)" or something then use your same formula to populate it. Adds a bit of extra data to your sheet but it will resolve your problem quickly and easily without having to update any forms.

    =IF([Next Action Owner]@row = "", [Created By]@row, [Next Action Owner]@row)

  • Thank you for your help!

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