I would love to be able to better organize my left-hand navigation panel in WorkApps so it looks less like a dump of pages and more like a mini-website nav panel. Perhaps being able to add a "header" with a drop-down option? Or maybe even just add lines to separate types of files?
I absolutely LOVE using WorkApps, but this improvement would make it much easier for folks to use.
I would like to organize the content for my team by themes, creating pages and subpages within the WorkApp. The menu would show a theme (Project List, i.e.) with subpages for each project. Another theme could be "Purchase Requests", with subpages showing the purchase orders I've issued, and so on. In this way, there would be a tree menu, organizing the content by themes.
I really miss a way to hierarchically organize the menu in WorkApps, with topics and subtopics. When there are many options, navigation is confusing for the user.
Very much needed and seemingly easy enhancement.
Yes! How about being able to select or upload an icon for each menu item as well?
LOVE that idea! We use WorkApps for all of our processes and would love to be able to organize a little better!
Would love this - and to be able to change the order of pages and the roles themselves
Would make such a huge difference in WorkApp navigation. Could even just be a webcontent type but not force you to enter a URL. Anything to denote sections
The mixing of forms, dashboards, data views and URLs in the page panel can be confusing. Has there been any thought about adding section headings or divider lines like what is available in creating forms? Thanks, Sara