Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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A guide to managing Provisional Users

We have just transitioned over to the new USM. And are having a fun time trying to initially reign in all the Provisional Users. Like we set one to Viewer and the next day they are back to provisional. We are trying to understand what reports to run to see who is a new provisional and what assets they are shared to and who owns those assets so we can go remind them not to share unerlying assets anymore. We have been transitioning to new tools like Workapps, Portfolio and Project Workapps and want to take this transition to really push out reminders to users to stop creating base sheets and reports and absolutely stop sharing them out. And if they dont know how to create DVs or put their process in a Workapp to contact the SuperUser group.

So, I was wondering if anyone that has been on the USM for awhile has come up with a guide for their Sys Admins on how to best monitor provisional members through reports, actions and such. Any guides would be appreciated.


  • Overachievers Alumni

    I agree such guide shall be already available to everyone.

    Tomasz Kowalski

    The Real Smartsheet Enthusiast

    Is there anything else we can help you with? - book your time.

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    Tag my name: @kowal if you need quick response.

  • Hi Jason,

    We have a great new guide for Sysadmins that includes a video and best practices on managing True Ups here:

    Site faviconSystem Admin guide for migration to the User Subscription Model | Smartsheet Learning Center

    Also, there was a known bug last week that was causing users to revert to old permissions like you experienced but our engineering team has been working on it and it should be solved by now and if not then very soon. We appreciate your patience with the new model!

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    @Dane Brennan

    Its more than that. running permission reports for a user to see all assets they are shared to and at what level, the owner column is blank, which is the key field so we can go to that owner and train them on dynamic views and workapps, or just using forms, etc.

    Seem the USM was rolled out with not alot of testing and guides to keep your provisionals in check. And this has nothing to do with price for us, we control all of our builds. Last thing we want is people going off building their own solutions not knowing how to build correctly creating 1000s of assets.

    I just wish Edit was still separate from creating. Only knowing we have XXX amount of creators we all knew how and what to build and how to build it and work together. Now,m Pandora's box is about to be opened and if cant identify new members and quickly and easily kill their memberships before they start creating, then the model wont work for us.

  • @Dane Brennan

    I am having the same issue. We were added to the new USM last week and I've been trying to clean up all of the provisional members that were shared to a sheet and not actually set up by Admins. They keep showing back up the next day. The document link you provided doesn't say anything about removing users, just changing the role.

    I'm in full agreement with Jason on the fact that we don't want everyone having the capability of creating sheets and why the Editor option was ideal for this.

  • This is also a real challenge for us. I have people changing things in structured / standardized sheets - just because they can now. They have no idea how Smartsheet works and the impact a simple change can make to reports and dashboards. All of our licensed users go through training and understand our companies approach to using Smartsheet. Now I have a whole group of people that used to simply work within Smartsheet and did not create or change things that now have that capability.

    Smartsheet needs to resolve this issue.

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    I have found the Access report being the best resource to be proactive in provisional users and helping our users transition to the new model while putting more ownness on the asset owners and not us System Admins. I just used a formula that says for any Key that are identical, find the person with the Shared To Permission of "Owner" and display it in the Owner field.

    This helped us run reports for Owners on the users and permission levels to begin doing audits of who they can downgrade, remove or remove all permissions if the asset is no longer being used or archived. The last option allows the user to keep their asset and the data, but still archive it without anyone linked to it - especially the assets that haven't been modified in over a year.

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