Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Is there a way to turn off automatically applying the last filter used when reloading a Smartsheet?

I have a program set up to link to a smartsheet row (in card view); however, it is automatically applying a filter upon following the link - the filter that is applies changes based on the last filter the user utilized. Is it possible to set it to default to no filter applied upon log-in / refresh?


  • Community Champion

    Hi @cb2013

    If you switch between views or apply filters, the URLs change. You should switch to the view and filters that you want the user to follow when visiting Smartsheet and use that URL. Let me know if I misunderstood the problem.

    Best Regards
    Amit Wadhwani
    , Smartsheet Community Champion
    Smartsheet CoE, Ignatiuz, Inc., Exton, PA

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  • The issue is that the link that I am having them follow does not have any filter applied in the URL but when they navigate to that link, the link updates to add a filter ID (ex. this is the original link - edited to make non-functional smartsheet/sheets/qqvjrJW2Hc999MC477mgfr8J45jHgCqwJ1?rowId=NA → automatically changes to this when navigated to: smartsheet/sheets/qqvjrJW2Hc999MC477mgfr8J45jHgCqwJ1?view=card&filterId=6287815724715908&cardLevel=0&cardViewByColumnId=5894335951228804

  • ✭✭✭✭

    This is something that my team has just started experiencing. It is defaulting to the last filter they used rather than to the default for the sheet (in this case, no filter). Is there a way we can "turn off" the last filter they used?

  • My team has also been experiencing this issue. They're also not able to follow a link if the linked content does not meet the criteria of the filter that is automatically applied. Please help to solve this as this is impeding our workflow significantly.

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