Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Need help calculating the percentage of all project tasks and return a value in percentage

Hi, I am trying to add a project status percentage in my project dashboard. I have the list of tasks, % complete, and Task Status in the project sheet. I tried to use the sheet summary to get the % value of the tasks that are not marked "completed" but I am not able to. What is the correct formula to use in the sheet summary to come up with what % the project is at? I have attached the columns I am using. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • ✭✭
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    I personally use a normal report. I use the "Group" tab to group by Status column and then the "Summary" tab to count the Status. After I save the report I just create a widget to display the data in a donut form (or whatever you prefer). This is how mine shows up!


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