Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Issues with Convert to Column Formula


I have a column that I'm trying to convert to column formula but won't because "The column formula syntax isn't quite right" and gives me Smartsheet's help article for more information.

The column's type that I'm trying convert is "Symbols" and is the Progress Bar. The Formula of the attached example is:

=IF([RPM %]851 = 0, "Empty", IF(AND([RPM %]851 > 0.01, [RPM %]851 < 0.49), "Quarter", IF(AND([RPM %]851 > 0.49, [RPM %]851 < 0.75), "Half", IF(AND([RPM %]851 > 0.74, [RPM %]851 < 0.99), "Three Quarter", IF([RPM %]851 >= 1, "Full", "")))))

In the screenshot that I've attached you'll see the 2nd row does not have the progress bar. There would be one if the RPM Progress column had the formula converted. But I noticed if I copy and paste the progress bar from the row, then the progress bar appears. See the 2nd screenshot.

Goal: I would like to have the formula activate on it's own instead of me copy/pasting. Is there another formula that I should be using? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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