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suggestion for notification system in the alert system

Khaled Shahat
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Dear smartsheet devoloper , 


I have a ssugesstion to add customize columns at the notification and reminder in the alert system .




  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Khaled, thanks for taking the time to post! I would be happy to submit your suggestion to our Project team if you would like to give me a little information about the enhancement you want to see and how you envision it working. 



  • Khaled Shahat

    Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
    I would like to suggest the following:
    1- New reminderRegards,


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Thank you Khaled! I will submit your suggestions to the Product team.


    A couple notes:


    1. There are a couple ways to schedule reminders more or less than 14 days from a date. One option is to manually select a specific date.


    The other option is to add an additional Date column to your sheet with a formula that shows the date X dates before or after your Start or End date column. Then set the reminder to look to the new Date column. 


    2. While not a built in feature, Azuqua has the ability to send update requests based on a Date column in your sheet. This is a paid service but it powerful and is great with creating workflows in Smartsheet. Here's more information: https://azuqua.com/integrate-smartsheet

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