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Remove user but retain resource management functionality

Gordon ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

What is the suggested/best practice for removing/revoking a user's access to a team account and it's sheets, but to retain the historical data for that user in resource views and reporting?  I am trying to remove former employees' access/ability to see our team data, but I don't want to lose them from resource management views and reporting capabilities for the historical tasks that were assigned to them.  I experimented and if I delete the user account, their tasks disappear from reports and they drop into the "(null)" when selecting Who in the report builder, although they still appear in the "Assigned To" column on my resource management enabled project sheets.


  • Andy Brittain

    +1 for this one, it's needs a remove but freeze data option.

  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 02/12/16

    If you remove them from your team, they will not be tracked as resources. If you want to continue to track them, you could just remove them from sharing on all sheets owned by members of your team. To do this, go to User Management, right click on their name and select Remove User Sharing Access. You might also want to remove them from groups and remove any permissions they have (SysAdmin, Licensed User , Group Admin and Resource Viewer).


    This will not prevent them from logging into their account but it will remove them from sharing on sheets owned by your team. 


    Also - If your IT team can access their email, you could reset their password to ensure they cannot log into their Smartsheet account. 

  • Gordon
    Gordon ✭✭✭✭✭

    If I reset their password, does that prevent them from logging in from that point forward under their old password?


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    The only way to reset a password is to receive the password reset link at the email address on the account.


    If it is a former employee, I would assume they do not have access to their company email address, correct? 


    If they do not have access to the email address on their account, they cannot reset their password. 


    Hope this helps! 

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