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Printing a Sight


Sights look to be a great addition to smartsheet. I am currently in a 10-day trial but I dont see an option for printing the sight. My thought is that it would make a good cover sheet to our status reports going forward. Is this currently an option that Im missing?



  • Dietrich Koch
    Dietrich Koch ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Vote me in for that feature!!


    Sights are a great tool to not only have a permanently up to date infoscreen but also to give a comprehensed weekly/monthly report.


    But the possibility to "save as pdf" or "print" is a essential for any kind of regular reporting. Since Smartsheet already supports exporting to pdf / printing with every sheet or report, I do not understand, why it's not possible with sights.


    I sincerely hope that this feature is already on the roadmap for the near future...



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    This is a great request that I will pass along!


    In the meantime, you could take a screenshot of the Sight and use the resulting image file for your cover sheet. 

  • Stephanie Taylor
    Stephanie Taylor ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I would also like to add my vote to access sights from my smartphone.


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Stephanie - this is coming soon! 

  • Stan Adell

    I have worked hard to create some useful sights. It will be helpful when we can print them for a meeting.

  • Luciano Cartela
    edited 04/26/16

    I agree with everyone here. This is a must have feature!

  • I'm adding my voice to the chorus - printing is an essential feature to Sights, not only to be able to share by PDF, but to be able to create progress snapshots. Sights is an incredible feature but we need to be able to print to make it fully functional in our workflow. So much of our data changes daily, and I need to be able to create static snapshots of monthly progress for reporting, and distribution purposes. I hope this is in the HOT queue. Any estimate on a rollout date for this feature?

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Mary, I dont have any information on this but I will update this thread when I have information I can share! 

  • Ester Marin

    Completely agree. I would like to have the possibility to print as a weekly report is very useful

  • Lucas Mentzer

    I agree!  We need a way to print sights to present and store.

  • Deirdre Spencer

    Joining the chorus. Just spent an afternoon setting up Sights for my team, and was chagrined to discover I can't print to PDF to archive our weekly status. Screenshots are a very poor workaround. Travis, we're three months out from your saying in March that this is coming soon. Can we please get an update on the ETA for this essential enhancement? Thank you!

  • Stephanie Taylor
    Stephanie Taylor ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/16/16

    I did a snipit of the sight.  It's not the best solution but at least it's something.

  • Jenny Allen

    Wondering if the folks from SmartSheet can provide an update on this topic? The Sights feature has been an amazing solution for us in tracking our KPIs, but without the ability to print - or export into PowerPoint - it really hampers how we can share our results with others in the organization. 

  • Daniel Stein

    Thanks for the questions about Sights Print. We're actively working on a couple of features in this area:


    - Sights Publish, which we expect to be able to ship in August. Similar to Sheet Publish, this will allow you to generate a live link to a Sight that anyone can view, without logging into Smartsheet. The Sight can also be embedded in other web pages.

    - Sights Save as PNG. We're actively working on this but don't yet have a specific release date. We realize this is an important feature for folks and appreciate the feedback. Until this is ready, taking a screen clipping is a workaround, as Stephanie mentions, though we realize it isn't ideal. Once we release Publish, that will also be a good solution in many scenarios.


    Thanks again for the Sights feedback, and please keep it coming.


    Daniel Stein

    Product Manager

  • Clare Medland

    I completely agree - being able to save or print a Sights pdf copy is essential.  Not being able to preserve an historic record of previous publications is an issue for our business processes. 

    I / my business are new to using Smartsheets & Sights - everything about the experience so far has created very positive interest, but the inability to export to PDF is perceived as the single biggest drawback.  Please, please, please can this be flagged as an urgent enhancement.

    Thank you

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