Countifs Issues with Date Columns

Phil B.
Phil B.
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I am having issues with a formula that I try an use to count dates in a column that are less than the present day. With a modification the formula works just fine count the number of dates within the next 30 days. Both columns have conditional formatting associated with them, but the one giving me heartburn has the date calculated by a formula. I tried removing the formula to no avail.

I get the Error  #INVALID DATA TYPE

Formula w/error:

=COUNTIFS([Assigned Quality Engineer]:[Assigned Quality Engineer], "NAME", [Approval Status]:[Approval Status], OR(@cell = "Approved", @cell = "Conditional", @cell = "", @cell = "TBD", @cell = "TBD – Under Eval"), [Survey Next Due Date]:[Survey Next Due Date], <=TODAY(+0))


Formula that works:

=COUNTIFS([Assigned Quality Engineer]:[Assigned Quality Engineer], "Name", [Approval Status]:[Approval Status], OR(@cell = "Approved", @cell = "Conditional", @cell = "", @cell = "TBD", @cell = "TBD – Under Eval"), [Re-Evaluation Date]:[Re-Evaluation Date], <=TODAY(+30))


Any ideas would be appreciated


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