"SUMIFS=" " Circular Reference Error"

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions


I figured out how to make work a large formula for =Sumifs. The idea was to add the "target budget" of all projects that would have as Project Manager (PM/RI) "Mari M." and only for the projects that would have an "Status of Request" of ( New, Work in Progress, In Design, In construction, Substantially completed, Punch List). the formula looks like this and it works.

=SUMIFS([Target Budget]:[Target Budget], [Assigned PM/RI]:[Assigned PM/RI], "Mary M.", [Status of Request]:[Status of Request], OR(@cell = "Work in Progress", @cell = "New", @cell = "In Design", @cell = "In Construction", @cell = "Substantially Completed", @cell = "Punchlist"))

I have this formula on a cell that belongs to the " Target Budget " column, and although it works fine, when I try to copy the formula (one cell under) and change the "PM/RI" for a different person it blocks my first formula and on the second one it shows me "Circular Reference".

what is the solution for it? so I can keep applying the formula for the next 6 PM/RI






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