Some form entries aren't appearing on upstream grids
I have a workflow that copies a row from the main grid (which collects all form entries), to the next grids which collect by specific regions, and then copies to the final grids which are by specific facilities. There is one facility where form entries show up on it's facility grid, but do not appear on the overall or the…
Submission checklist to reference production schedule
Good morning, I have 2 Sheets Master Production Schedule - consists of multiple columns, Job #, Job Name, Line 2 Count, Forms Submitted?, and Status Check List Submission - consists of multiple columns, Job #, Job Name, Line 2 Count, Submitted, Outstanding Entries, Missing Form Override(Checkbox), and Status The idea is…
Merged: Hide Form Submit Button with Logic
This discussion has been merged.
Drop PDF to populate rows
As a sourcing analyst I have to take multiple pricing summaries from our consultants and enter the information into our Smartsheet. Currently that means a lot of copy and pasting and painful data entry. My question: Is there a way I can take the PDF they send me and drop it in Smartsheet and it auto populate my sheet based…
Can I use global update on a sheet template's form?
I would like to do a Global Update in Control Center on a sheet template's form. This will allow me to update the form on a specific sheet in 70+ projects very efficiently. My worry is that this functionality is not available and instead I will need to go into each project, find the specific sheet, and manually update the…
Saving Form to Row
Good afternoon SM team, Are you doing well?! What would be a great addition to the SM platform is, if you complete a form, for that form to be attached to a specific row. It would assist in audits whereby you have to give prove of the form that have been completed. This would be super cool. Best regards,
Need a form to send employees for availability
I'm having trouble creating a form that we we will send all 6 employees that will display all our new upcoming events and they can choose which ones they can attend. When I send the form to employee #1, I don't want the other employees to see what they have chosen. I do need their results to automatically come into the…
Dynamic Drop Down in Forms
Hi, I've tried googling and searching the forum but cannot find an answer for my use case. As part of a 2 stage project approval process I want to create a form that has a dropdown option to select project ID numbers from a list of projects that have passed the first stage. e.g. If I have 3 projects PROJ01, PROJ02, PROJ03…
How to automatically include project names in automated update requests and forms
Hi, I have several projects that follow the same breakdown structure, when Smartsheet sends automated update requests, users are receiving these notifications don't know which specific project the request is referring to. I noticed that the project name is not an automatically included in all update requests for different…
Language Translation in forms
for diverse users it would be helpful to have a language translation option in forms