Some form entries aren't appearing on upstream grids

I have a workflow that copies a row from the main grid (which collects all form entries), to the next grids which collect by specific regions, and then copies to the final grids which are by specific facilities. There is one facility where form entries show up on it's facility grid, but do not appear on the overall or the region-level grid. There are no filters applied and I verified the workflow is "copy a row," not "move a row." What could be going on?


  • Had the same issue long ago. The column names and types were the same. They were both DropDownList columns with identical names. But they had different options. I think I discovered it by hovering over the blank cell or column header and it had the options for the Dropdowns grouped side by side with a red "!" Don't remember if the fix was to change the setting to allow/prevent multiple dropdowns or if I had to sync up the dropdown selections themselves. None of my "copy a row" rows have any blanks that I see right now!

  • Thanks for responding! I double-checked the dropdown options and they're all the same. It's just so weird that the row doesn't show up at all on any grid except the final. Thanks again!

  • Brian_Richardson
    Brian_Richardson Overachievers Alumni

    This is going to sound silly but check to make sure it just didn't copy way down the sheet. Sometimes a batch of blank rows can be accidentally inserted in a sheet, and the Copy Row will place the row at the bottom of those blanks.

    If that's not it, then maybe post screens of the workflows that aren't working and let's see if we can troubleshoot it.