Multiple Selections from a Drop Down
Hi, am creating a smartsheet to collect certain client information & documents to provide a certain service. While creating a form which could be sent to my clients, I've realised that it only allows for a single selection of a document off all the documents that I've listed in the drop down. However I need multiple…
Card View / Contact List
Hi there:) I have a sheet used as a "Maintenance Request" sheet. It is populated by a form. Each person submitting a request provides their name/email into the "Submitted By" column. This allows them to receive an alert once the job is complete. I have frustration coming from the maint dept. when assigning a job/task…
Security assessment fields for each project
Our security certification requires that we provide answers to several key security questions for every project (risk assessment, project justification, etc) and I was wondering what the best way to handle that in Smartsheet would be. They're not really tasks, since it's just several sentences for each that need to be…
Custom iOS logo for shortcut
I have created a form that I want employees to use from their mobile devices, regardless if they have SmartSheet app loaded on their device. I have created a form, and I can use the direct link (https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/XXX). I can mass deploy this link using corporate software so all mobile devices have this.…
Feature request: Weighted options in dropdown list
Hi, When sending out web forms with dropdown lists it would be great to be able to connect each option to a number. That way we can run avarages and calculations on the results. Fully agree (=5), Somewhat agree (=3), Do not agree (=1).
Reference a Report
I am using a form to track time spent on projects. Right now, they select the project from a dropdown list that I manually created and then they type in the task and the hours worked. Ideally, I would like for the Task Name to populate according to those available based on the Project selected. For example, if the user…
Equipment Sign Out Form
Hello! I was wondering if someone could help me build a sheet/form combination for signing shared equipment in and out of a warehouse environment. This is the kind of functionality I'd like to get out of the sheet: * Users would be have their name and the date populated in a form automatically * Pieces of equipment that…
Are forms considered links?
I was just made aware that each sheet that is created in Smart Sheets has a 5000 link limit. Is a form that fills a sheet considered a link? If so can a I delete a finished row to provide more room?
Limit rows in a sheet
Is there a way to limit the number of rows created by a form? I want to use a form for people to register for a training event, but am limiting the number of attendees to 50. Is there a way to automatically deactivate the form when 50 rows exist in the sheet?
Send copy of Web Form Request to Multiple People
It there a way that when a user completes filling out a web form that when they "check" off Send me a copy of my responses....that they can put multiple email address's in the field? example: jane.doe@test.com; stan.form@test.com