Reference a Report

KWright84 ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I am using a form to track time spent on projects. Right now, they select the project from a dropdown list that I manually created and then they type in the task and the hours worked.

Ideally, I would like for the Task Name to populate according to those available based on the Project selected. For example, if the user selects System Website from the Project list, I would like the Task list to generate all tasks that exist on that Project grid, so they can specifically charge time to a task.

I think that formula might be unwieldy so what I'm thinking is I could create a Report that populates any tasks that aren't marked as 100% Completed. That would pull all tasks from all projects into one sheet.

Is it possible to reference a report, and not just another sheet? It doesn't appear possible.


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