Web forms and formulas
Good afternoon, I have a simple sheet for a balance sheet, and I'm needing to know if there's a way for the web form submission to be included in the formula in my sheet. The last row & column of the sheet houses the formula from previous lines, but when the web form submission is added, it goes to a new row, not the last…
Timestamping comments
Hi Does anyone know if there is a way to time stamp any comments placed into a sheet? I know you can always look at the history of the cell but I was wondering if there was any way that the date would automatically be placed in the cell when someone adds content.
Need help making a COUNTIFS NOT formula
Hi there - I want to count how many times column A shows Katie and Column B does NOT show "Completed" looking at a range of rows - I have no idea how to make that happen :( I can do the COUNTIFS over and over again for all the different things that column be could be that aren't "Completed" but it seems there should be an…
Result look up
Hi, I am a beginer at using Smartsheet however have been successful to date in creating a workable module for my sales team, however, within one of my module sheets I have a list sales attributed to sales staff which uses a Decision drop down list "yes" symbol indicating a sale has been completed. My question is, how can I…
Count children rows only if items are not marked complete
I have a parent with 22 children. I can use a simple formula to calculate the total number of children ="Site-Wide" + " (" + COUNT(CHILDREN()) + ")" What if I only want to count the children that haven't been marked as completed i.e. tasks that are still open? I'm trying to use this formula but I'm getting an #Invalid…
sorting by row ID
Dear Smartsheet users Community members, can someone answer to my pretty basic question. i have a challenge to sort the table back to initial order per Row ID (1,2,3,4,5,6,7....) after sorting based on some other column info (e.g. date, amount etc). after obtaining certain info based on sorting of different collumns, i…
Time Function
Imported an Excel sheet that calculates end times for tasks as a start for a Smartsheet. The intent is that we give a start time for the day, number of appointments needed and it builds a schedule, which I can then link with other Smartsheets. It seems the Time Function is not supported. Does anyone know if this is coming,…
Yesterday's Completed Task Formula
I am looking for a way to capture the number of taks that were completed yesterday. I started by using a report however yesterday or last working day were not an option. I tried using in the last days - and used 1 however when yesterday is a weekend is skews the data. I then tried using a COUNTIFS formula but I run into…
Formula help: IF AND (drop down list in column and date column)
I need help with a formula. I have 2 columns I need to test true for. I would like that column to indicate Red, Yellow, or Green in the "Health Column". I need the "SCAA Stage 1 Completed Date" column and the "Content" columns to work together. One is a list and one is a date. I would like logically if SCAA column is a…
Auto-update task status or priority when predecessor is completed?
I am looking for some way of having Smartsheet automatically change a column on a task once a task that it is dependent on has been completed. This is so that I can see what new tasks need to be worked on. For example, task B is dependent on task A. Once I have flagged task A as complete, then task B automatically gets…