Current work filter for tasks not Complete and Due in the next 2 days or the past
I am trying to build a filter that will be utilized to Identify Current and Past due work. I can get the filter to find all not Completed or Canceled work in the Past or the Next # of days. I cannot get it to find all taskx from 2 days in the future and older. Is there a way to add a formula when using is less than or…
Mid and Value formula
Status of Child rows
Hi I am trying to create a Project Schedule with Budget and Variance and include an overall status using the status of the child rows. I have 1 line that is the overall project and then 4 phase lines, with around 20 tasks underneath each phase line. I want the phase lines to give an overall status of the child task rows…
Listing unique values in a column, and counting them (group and sum)
I have to import a list of orders and count how many times each unique product was ordered. So the orders may list the same ITEM hundreds of times (eg: Item123 x10 pieces). I want another list or sheet which displays a UNIQUE list of each item, and a COUNT of how many pieces of that item was ordered. As my order list…
IF Function with Checkbox
I'm trying to create a formula....If the checkbox is "checked" in the Toledo column, then display the formula result that's in the price/ft column. If the checkbox is not checked then price/ft column is blank. Any help is appreciated. Thx Joe
If/Then formula help
I have the following formula in a field to calculate a cost: =IF([Pre-ID]6, 5.18 * [Higher Qnty]6, 4.98 * [Higher Qnty]6) However, if the result of this calculation is not at least $300.00 I need the formula to insert $300 instead of what is actually calculated. How would I modify this formula? Is this possible? Thank you,…
Extracting a Date from a Text String into a Date Column
I have data sent from my CRM into Smartsheet. The CRM will only export an appointment date and time together as one cell, formatted as: 2/09/2016 8:00:00 AM. I need the date to be in a separate column for filtering and formatting purposes. I've used a MID function to separate the date from the time using this formula:…
Insert a Parent row when cell value changes
I have a very long sheet where I need to group by the key column, so I have to insert a Parent row for every different value en that column, how can I do it?
Formula to change date based on adjacent drop down menu
I'm trying to set up a tool inventory, to help keep track of the location of all our big ticket items. I've created a row for each tool. Asides from various descriptive colums, I have one column set as a drop down list (listing the numerous job sites the tool might be pulled to). I also have a Date Pulled column, to show…
Totaling a column with check boxes
I couldn't find an answer that solved my problem so am asking this question. I am trying to sum up a column where some of the fields are checked and some are not. Can you please help me? I have tried looking at the SUMIF calculations and keep getting the #BOOLEAN EXPECTED error. Thanks in advance. Linda