Need help excluding weekends in estimated completion date formula

edited 04/24/24 in Formulas and Functions

Hello! I am currently working on a Smartsheet that estimates how long a project should take depending on a multitude of variables. So far all my formulas are working great, but I am using the following formula to determine an estimated project completion date:

This formula is unfortunately accounting for weekends as well, and I'm hoping someone has a solution where the estimated completion date would only account for dates Monday-Friday.



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @joemagal

    Try this

    =WORKDAY([Start Date]@row, [Total Dev Time (Days)]@row)

    Will this work for you?


  • joemagal

    Hey Kelly,

    Thanks for your help with this. That formula does work for most cells, but some are showing #INVALID DATA TYPE and I cant figure out why... I changed the decimal system in the Total Dev Time row to show only whole numbers hoping that would make it easier for Smartsheet to calculate the date but no avail. Any ideas?

    Also, if "Start Date" is left blank, "Estimated Completion Date" also shows INVALID DATA TYPE. Is there a way to change this so if Start Date is left blank, Estimated completion date is also blank?

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