Counting single values with multiple criteria
I need a little help with a formula in Smartsheet, I am trying to count the number of employees who are over utilised (> 105) but some employees have multiple entries (same utilisation, so only need 1 entry in the count). Answer below should be 3
Create Order of Response If Text is in Cell
I have a multiple select as part of a form. I want to create a column that looks for a specific text within the multiple select and create an order of response. So if multiple forms are submitted with the item A selected in them, I would like the first submitted be an order of 1 while the 2nd time item A is selected then…
Creating a formula to count each selection in a cell drop down.
Hello Everyone! I am looking to edit a formula I am working on to count every option available in a cell. This is the formula I have currently. =COUNTIFS({2024 Documentation & Projects Range 4}, FIND("CC:", @cell) > 0, {2024 Documentation & Projects Range 5}, FIND("ILT", @cell) > 0) As you can see, it is only looking for…
Counting a Column with filled data
Hello Everyone! I am looking to edit a formula I am working on to count every cell in a column that has data filled from a drop down. This is the formula I have currently. It is looking for data in the first column that contains "CC:" but I am trying to figure out the second half that counts the amount of cells in another…
Filtering on dashboards?
I'm new to smartsheet and trialing it at the moment. I have a question, I hope you can help me with: I have a portfolio of companies in a main sheet and their debt issues, and related stuff in several sheets. Rows are companies/debt issues, columns are details of these. I want to collate all this into the dashboard used…
how to leave the optional rows out, so they don't impact the parent row completion rate
Hi Community, As displayed in the picture, we don't need any actions of the optional rows for now, but i feel like it impacts the completion rate of the parent row. The formula of the completion rate is embedded in Smartsheet , I don't think I can't change it, show as picture 2. Is there a way to make those optional rows…
Additional formula logic: NOR, NAND, XOR and XNOR
Please add the other common formula logic: NOR, NAND, XOR and NXOR All these can be expressed with a combination of IF's, NOT's, AND's and OR's, but the formula gets long and difficult to follow—it's not as clean. And don't get me started on when you have long phrases as column headers to use as variables! Right now I can…
INDEX/MATCH formula broken after number passed 100
I have been using an INDEX/MATCH formula to identify entries from one sheet to another. I used an automatic numbering system starting at 000 to index/match. If there is no match, then the formula returns a blank cell. Entry # 100 was deleted out of the sheet due to an error and after that the INDEX/MATCH is no longer…
Need Help with Modifying an IF/OR Statement to add an AND condition
I have a column I recently created in a sheet to help our team know if they are missing information in a critical field before they move on to approvals (Critical Fields). I used an IF / OR statement to look at all of the critical fields and determine if any of them are empty. If one is empty then the field (checkbox) will…
Control Center and Contact Columns
I am using control center to create projects. In the sheet that gets provisioned, I have my resources listed. I want to bring the "Lead" contact back into the Intake sheet, but it is coming back as just text and not an actual Contact. We use the Current User view for project updates, which won't work this way. Any ideas on…