Need to import the Yes/No result from one sheet into another sheet
Hey, I'm trying to return the Yes/No value from one sheet based on an employees name into another sheet, and I'm struggling. In the sheet A I created a new column called Eligible to Drive? In Sheet B we have a drop down that has a Yes/No dropdown to answer that question. How do I get the Yes/No answer imported to Sheet A…
Return cells containing numbers as text string
how can I keep the number formatting of a cell in a formula? If I want to combine text and number, it reverts the number format to the blank number without decimals and thousands separator.
Merged: Report Totals Printable
This discussion has been merged.
Need help with multiple nested ANDs
I'm pretty new to smartsheets and can't quite get the syntax right for what I'm trying to get at. This is what I'm trying to achieve in plain language: IF YEAR([Due Date]@row) = YEAR(TODAY()) AND(WEEKNUMBER([Due Date]@row) = 52 AND WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()) = 1) THEN "This Week" ELSE "Not This Week" END Thanks for any help!
Contact Formula from Latest Comment Column
Hello all - I'm looking for some formula help. Without getting to deep, I'm looking to develop a formula that can extract the emails from Latest Comment, regardless of their position in the comment, if/when they are added in the latest comment. I currently can move (1) email but not multiple ones. I then put it in a helper…
How to total spend by month?
I am new to smart sheet attempting to create a budget tracker and will need to total the spend by month, for now just using actual spend. I tried a formula I saw online and keep receiving unparseable, could be user error though. Attaching a screenshot of the headers I am using and some fake data for testing. I may either…
Abbreviate year that is returned using formula (to obtain fiscal year quarter)
Happy new year Smartsheet crew! I'm returning the quarter of my end date using this formula: =IF(MONTH([End Date]@row) <= 3, "Q4", IF(MONTH([End Date]@row) <= 6, "Q1", IF(MONTH([End Date]@row) <= 9, "Q2", "Q3"))) And the Fiscal Year using this: =IF(MONTH([End Date]@row) > 3, YEAR([End Date]@row) + 1, YEAR([End Date]@row))…
VLOOKUP - cross referencing two data sources
Hi All, Beginner user here :) I would like to cross reference a member number on a sheet that is generated by a form to a master list on another sheet to see if that member has submitted the form. This will allow me to check who has not sent in a form so I can send a reminder email. I'm thinking using the VLOOKUP formula…
Hello all I am trying to create a formula to imitate the following filter login in another sheet i am trying to pull a single figure via a countifs function from 5 different columns if any one of the 5 columns have a yes, that would count as 1 can anyone advise how i can pull this please ? @Paul Newcome @Genevieve P. your…
Formula Assistance
Formula Gurus - I need a formula that can be applied as a column formula in my column named Actual Duration (Days). IF the row is a PARENT row, the formula should return the sum of its children rows. For NON-PARENT rows, the formula should calculate the days between the Act. Start and Act. Finish columns. IF there is an…