Find a MAX value in row and return the Column name.
I'm trying to find the max value between all the strength columns and have it return the column name of the max value. I've tried the following formula as suggested by AI and other articles I've found but I keep getting #UNPARSEABLE. =INDEX([Behavioral - Strength]@row:[Respiratory - Strength]@row, MATCH(MAX([Behavioral -…
IF-OR-AND Formula for Multiple Scenarios
Help! I need to finalize a formula to return a value of "Yes" if one of two AND statements are true. I am not getting an error with the formula below, but it is not returning a value of Yes or No: =IF(OR(AND([Send to Compliance?]@row = 1, [Finance Approval Status]@row = "Approved", (AND([Send to Compliance?]@row = 0,…
Weekly date with manual override
I'm looking to create a formula to have a cell show a date for when our next delivery comes in. Typically these deliveries are every Tuesday, but sometimes they are late by 1 day, or we skip a week because we don't need it. I would like a cell to show the next estimated delivery date example. Today the cell would show:…
Formula to Count Children Tasks Only
I am looking for a formula to count Children tasks that meet specific criteria. I want to see how many tasks (Children only) do not have a task owner and a "LM" flag is set. The formula below provides a count for ALL tasks (Parent and Children): =COUNTIFS([Assigned To]:[Assigned To], "", Reporting:Reporting, <> "LM") I can…
Using DISTINCT function
I am trying to use the distinct function. It seems like it should be relatively simple, but I am getting an error message. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks
Counting Blank Cells
I need assistance on counting all rows that are blank based upon a status column The formula I used is: =COUNTIF({Status Blank}, HAS(@cell, "--")). and I tried using this formula: =COUNTIF({Blank Status}), ISBLANK(@cell)) The "Status Blank" is referencing the other sheet.
Average of Column
Hello! I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to get an average of a column. I know we can get an average of a specific range in a column, however this sheet I'm working on is a survey and there will be ongoing entries. If possible I just want to get the average of the whole column so I don't have to come back and update.…
Multi Criteria Formula
I need to create a formula that filters rows based on several criteria. The formula should show rows between specific date periods for the ‘Date Created’ and ‘Date Closed’ columns. For example, rows created between 01/01/23 and 02/01/23. Next, the formula should break those rows into counties based on the ‘County if…
How do I turn off the pop-up messages while editing a formula in Summary fields?
These pop-ups block what I am editing. If I close one, then click to edit, another pops up - over and over. If I stretch my screen, they will pop up on the side - but then popup over what I am editing. I have to move re-stretch my window EVERY time I try to edit a Summary field..
Formula not working
Can someone please help me with this formula? I've worked on it since 7:30 am it's now 10:15 am. =COUNTIFS({complaints Range 1}, NOT(ISBLANK(@row)), {complaints Range 2}, >=DATE(2023, 1, 1), {File a complaint Range 3}, <=DATE(2023, 12, 31))